Restorative Care
White fillings (tooth colored restorations in Composite and Ceramic)
Precision fit crowns, inlays and onlays
Implant treatment, planning and restoration
Complete oral rehabilitation and reconstruction
Life-like dentures and partial dentures (including implant retained or supported dentures) for those that may no longer be able to wear conventional dentures
Root canal treatment
Excavation and removal of dead or dying tissue within the root canal, followed by a thorough cleaning, sealing, and finally restoring the upper tooth structure.
Braces and Invisalign®
Evaluation of the existing “lay of the land” to determine where the teeth should ideally be and selecting the best way to move the teeth to the optimal positions for a beautiful smile and proper function.
Extractions. After all other options have been explored, the painless removal of an affected tooth can be performed.